514-966-1657 hello@bumpandglow.ca

Rediscover Yourself





Motherhood muhth-er-hood ] noun

1.the state of being a mother; maternity.

2.the qualities or spirit of a mother.

3.mothers collectively.

The early days of motherhood were not at all what I expected. I started my journey after a beautiful birth experience, that I felt incredibly lucky to have had considering some of the stories I’d heard while I was pregnant. I made my way through the difficulties breastfeeding, and then tackled the issue of baby sleep (For the record, most babies don’t “sleep like a baby”). After the first year or so of motherhood, I felt like I’d hit my stride. I was getting sleep, I had managed to lose the baby weight, I felt like I had figured it out.

Except something just felt “off”. Not only had I attended the motherhood support groups, now I was the one running them. I was busy working as a doula, helping other women through their pregnancies and births, becoming a babywearing pro, and life was good!

It was only after having my second son and going through the postpartum period again, one day seeing my own face in the mirror that I realized what it was.

I had disappeared, somehow. I knew it was me staring back, except now I wasn’t exactly sure who that was. I had, in my quest to be The Best Mother Who Ever Mothered, forgotten how to be Megan.

In my 10 years working with women in their journeys through motherhood, of connecting and supporting with them over coffees and text chats and hearing story after story that reflected my own experience, I have realized I was not alone.

You are not alone, either.


motherhood coaching for new moms

It is easy to lose sight of who we are, while we are very busy caring for our babies. It’s important work and it deserves a lot of our energy.

So, how do we become mothers and not lose our identity as individuals at the same time?

How can we be both selfless, one of the defining characteristics of a great mother, AND selfish, prioritizing ourselves in the middle of everything else we have to do?


It can seem impossible. I promise you, it is not.

As a mother, you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. You deserve to show up for yourself, to take care of yourself, and to put yourself first- at least sometimes.

Because self-care is not a shower or a trip to the grocery store alone. You cannot afford to let yourself come last on the list of priorities any longer.

You must declare yourself a priority, as a woman, not just as a mom, and I’m here to show you how.

Sometimes we just need someone to talk to. Or we need a pep talk. Or maybe you just need to vent and have someone listen before they come up with solutions. This role is one of the toughest in the whole world and everyone needs support. Just because the birth and the postpartum period are in the past does not mean you should have it all figured out. 

A one-on-one session to help figure out where to go next, what YOU need and how to get it can make all the difference. 

Price to save your sanity: $125/session via Zoom

The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.- Osho

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