We’re taught to fear childbirth, along with all the other negatives of “becoming a woman” as early as elementary school sex ed.
Having to give birth to a baby is yet another thing people with vaginas have been cursed with.
We see movies and TV shows with pregnant characters going from excited and serene to absolutely losing their shit in a matter of moments (when the water hits the floor)
The fear of this process is so ingrained in our culture that most people don’t question it. Having a baby? Get ready for the worst pain you’re ever going to experience.
What if I told you that having a baby doesn’t have to be the worst pain you’ve ever been in?
I’m not gonna lie, I’ve had two kids and I can list about 100 other things that feel better than pushing out a baby. I certainly didn’t experience an #orgasmicbirth (phew? Why not? I can’t decide)
But, childbirth wasn’t what I expected it to be. I didn’t feel scared, I wasn’t screaming in pain the entire time, and to be honest I’ve had dental issues that caused more pain.
Let me be clear- I don’t like pain. I don’t seek out hard experiences or challenges, in fact I do my very best to make sure I avoid painful/difficult physical experiences at all costs.
The secret was: I was hopeful, and excited to give birth. I had a team of supportive people surrounding me and a team of highly skilled providers in case I needed medical help. I prepared, read books, and most importantly I was CURIOUS about what it would be like. I wanted to see what my body was capable of. I reminded myself that humans have been giving birth for a really long time and I wouldn’t be the first to one to do it.
Going into it with an open mind, trying to let your experience unfold without any preconceived ideas of what it will be like is one of the keys to a positive birth.
How did/do you feel heading into childbirth?