Giving birth outside a hospital isn’t just for hippies who want water births. While here in our belle province only about 5% of births are outside of the hospital setting with midwifery care, getting a midwife in Montreal is an option for anyone with RAMQ who is having a low risk and healthy pregnancy.
How does it work?
-Keep your options open! In order to explore the idea of having a midwife you need to call very early in the pregnancy to secure a spot. From there you’ll be invited for an open house (now held virtually) to ask questions and find out about the care you’ll receive. If you decide it isn’t the right fit for you, you can continue with your own Dr or OBGYN
-You can’t be followed by both a Dr and a midwife. Don’t be worried if you choose a midwife that you won’t be getting the same great medical care. Midwives can order all the same tests as a Dr can and you’ll be able to have regular ultrasounds, blood tests, and any other standard testing during your pregnancy.
-You can decide to birth a one of the free-standing birthing centres (which is also where you would be having your appointments), or at home, or at the hospital. Most women choose to birth at the birthing centre or at home with their midwives.
-You’ll notice the type of care you receive from your midwife is quite different from the standard care of many Drs and OBGYNS. They simply have fewer patients and more time, so your appointments will be quite lengthy, and you’ll discuss nutrition, your expectations for birth, and much more along with all the normal pregnancy related medical topics.
-There is a higher guarantee that you’ll have your own provider at your birth. Most Drs work on a call schedule with many other Drs which means it’s a very low chance they will attend your delivery. Most midwives work with only one other midwife so you’ll have one or the other at your birth. Familiarity can be so reassuring!
-Doulas are a great addition to the team when working with Drs but also with midwives. As midwives continue to be your primary medical resource, your doula steps in to fill the role of emotional, physical and informational support.
-Midwifery care includes a great follow-up in the initial postpartum period, so if you’re particularly concerned about feeding and settling in with your baby they are a wonderful resource to have.
-One of the things midwives cannot do? Epidurals! So you’ll need to prepare for an unmedicated delivery. Don’t stress- midwives have so many tools to help you cope and you’ll be well supported.
There you have it! Getting a midwife in Montreal isn’t as complicated as you might have thought. Did you deliver with a midwife? Have any great stories about your experience? Share it with us!