What happens if I need to be induced? What does it mean to be induced?
Induction or inducing pregnancy is very common these days. But what does it actually mean to be induced? First, let’s talk about the reasons why we might have to induce a pregnancy.
Medical Reasons for being induced
According to the SOGC and ACOG, there are some very valid reasons why a Dr might suggest inducing your pregnancy before your due date. Some of these reasons include gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, issues with your placenta, or signs that the baby is not growing well inside the womb (IUGR).
There may also be questions about the level of amniotic fluid, the size of your baby being too big, your age, or other medical factors. It’s important to have a conversation with your Dr about the reasons why they want to induce you if you’re feeling hesitant or unsure. Asking to see the medical research that explains why you might be at risk, as well as discussing your options or alternatives can be a great way to feel more comfortable with the induction or to consider different routes.
Induction for Post-Dates
A very common reason for inductions is when you go past your due date. Since 40 weeks signals the EDD, expected due date, many Drs and pregnant people are eager for the baby to arrive. However, simply passing the due date on the calendar doesn’t mean you automatically need to be induced if you don’t want to be. Again, a conversation about the risks of staying pregnant, along with the risks of inducing pregnancy can be a great way to discover what’s best for your unique pregnancy. There is no one specific date that your Dr should induce all their patients by. Hearing “I induce everyone at 41 weeks and 3 days” is a good indicator that your Dr isn’t providing you with personalized healthcare and you can certainly discuss your options with them. The medical research says that for someone under 40, having a low risk pregnancy, they are within the normal range of pregnancy until 42 weeks. This varies if your pregnancy doesn’t fall within those guidelines, of course.
How does it work if I need to be induced?
Inductions vary depending mostly on your cervix. The magical little part at the base of your uterus that needs to soften and open in order for the baby to be born. When we talk about dilation, we’re talking about your cervix!
An induction will always start with someone examining the cervix to see how ripe or ready it is for birth. If it is hard (like the tip of your nose), closed with only a tiny opening, and long then it means you will need something to help soften or ripen the cervix. Think along the same lines as a banana or a peach. It’s better when it’s soft and juicy!
Most hospitals will use a cervical ripener to start the process and it usually means you’ll arrive at the hospital, with all your stuff, prepared to stay until after your baby is born. So pack accordingly! You may be there for 12 or 24 hours before you even enter the phase of labour that requires you to start coping. So a book, movies, and lots of snacks are essential.
Once your cervix is soft and open a few centimeters (between 2-3cm is best) the nurses will start the medication that causes contractions. In rare cases we don’t need this and contractions start on their own, but not often. In Canada we call the medication “synto” AKA synthetic oxytocin. Once the medication is administered, via IV, your uterus will react and start to contract. This will ideally mimic regular contractions that your body would produce and then voila- we’re in labour!
Will being induced change my birth plan?
The differences in being induced versus going into labour on our own mostly have to do with the medication that we give. From the beginning of labour you’ll be monitored, and so will your baby. This might mean that you have less mobility to move around, but some hospitals have wireless monitors so you can still take a shower or bath or walk around. The medication can create really strong contractions very quickly and it might be harder to cope with the pain. It may also create issues for you or the baby since all medications come with side effects and risks. Your Dr and nurses will be monitoring to make sure you’re both safe and doing well.
Important things to note about inductions:
- If you’re planning a natural birth, that is a birth without an epidural, you might find it harder because of the medication used and because you will be spending your entire labour at the hospital. It’s essential to prepare for this and have coping tools in place. A doula is a great tool to have with you for an induction!
- It can bring on a higher risk of a c-section depending on the circumstances
- They can be really, really long! Being well rested beforehand and having tools to relax, not watching the clock, and staying calm are necessary
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